Establish Concept
Tourism has a multiplier effect on the economy and has the potential to empower local artisans, craftsmen and businesses. The ripple effect creates jobs and adds to economic activity. Astrotourism is a niche concept that requires ideal surroundings, clear skies and zero light-pollution. Government of India has designated sites naturally suited for astronomy enthusiasts to enjoy disturbance free sky gazing. Join us to promote dark sky reserves declared by the Govt of India across states to provide a niche experience to your clientele.
What we do
We provide end-to-end travel packages that complement the sites designed for astronomy lovers and enthusiasts. Experience a stress-free journey with us.
The Government has handpicked destinations for astro travel based on favourability. We design packages that add utility to existing travel destinations.
There are many more Astrotourism destinations in India worth exploring and visiting. With our initiative, we hope to get these destinations listed among the favorites.
While you travel, you will be witness to the wonders of the universe without the stress factor. We make sure that these designations are fully equipped for your enjoyment.

Our Contribution
Facilitating the Astrotourism Ecosystem

Academic, Aspirational and Recreational Astro travel

Initiation, education and experience for astro tourists

Ease of travel, ease of lodging and ease of adventure

Ecosystem, economy and ecological competencies

Amplified initiatives to add momentum to govt policies

Promotional campaigns to help advance Astrotourism

Activation programs to promote Astrotourism internationally