Meteor Shower Calendar 2023: When is the next Meteor Shower?
Love watching meteor showers? 2023 is full of those! From April till December, 8
meteor showers will be visible across the Northern Hemisphere starting with the
Lyrids meteor shower from 16-25 April!
Ideal conditions to observe Meteors at peak!
From late evening of April 21 til dawn of April 23 is the ideal time to observe Lyrids meteor showers. Good news! There will be no moon in the sky during the peak of Lyrids shower which will allow the viewing of 10-15 Lyrids per hour! (This
the section needs to be updated for every upcoming meteor shower.)


Solar System


But what is a meteor shower?
A celestial event during which small rocky or metallic objects called meteors are seen radiantly flowing from the sky is called a meteor shower. The size of most meteors is smaller than a grain of sand, so almost all meteors disintegrate before hitting the Earth’s surface. According to the Meteor Data Centre, over 900 meteor showers are listed and out of those, almost 100 are well established.
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